Monday, February 01, 2010

What I'll Miss #5

Alternatively titled: Yet another blog post with a video clip.

I've already posted my frustration about the music I am forced to listen to at the bakery, however there is at least one day a week when I win the music war: Mondays...aka the other icer's day off. Even though this day usually means more work for me, I am actually closer to being happy to be at work than on any other day of the week because I get to listen to my iPod, my podcasts, and the radio station I like.

Radio stations can be rather frustrating. Usually we listen to the Virgin radio station, which I am not making this up, plays the same songs every hour including the all-request segment. Seriously, some record company is shelling out the big bucks to get these songs played at least 24 times a day. And it goes without saying that all the songs are crap. (Grain of salt warning: you all should no by know that I may be a tad picky about my music choices.) Lady Gaga and Beyonce may be growing on me but it doesn't mean that I want to hear their music All. Day. Long.

When I get to choose, I turn the dial to Dubai 92 which is a pretty enjoyable radio station. My praise sounds rather underwhelming, but perhaps it will be better when they stop playing all those horrible songs Rob Thomas keeps singing. Even though I may not like all of the songs they play, they at least play variety. And interspersed with the mediocre tunes they will play songs that I really, really like....for the most part. There is a serious Camera Obscura, Ryan Adams, Andrew Bird, and Travis deficiency in the programming (to name a few artists. I could send them my iPod for assistance).

So why will I miss them? They have very entertaining presenters. The morning show hosts Catboy and his wife Geordiebird are very funny and personable. I think they would be fun to hang out with. I am actually a little embarrassed to admit this, but for a while I was mildly convinced that we were already friends. They had commissioned the bakery to do a cake for Geordiebird's 30th birthday, and a few weeks later we sent a cake for Junk Food Day. So emails were exchanged and I kind of felt like I had finally made some friends. (Pathetic alert!!) I have other friends now, so I have stopped daydreaming about the time we are properly introduced at Dubai Mall or some sort of event. Yes, there is a giant "L" on my forehead.

Even though I have bemoaned a lack of some of my favorite bands in the music line-up, I give them total props for including musicians and songs that I probably would have never discovered on my own--the A-ha song I blogged about for example. I know I am not going to hear this gem in the states:

For the record, if Dubai 92 wanted to play this song every hour I wouldn't complain.

P.S. I am now in the market for some good red lipstick.


monica said...

i loove reading your posts. i love your writing.

hah thats what ALWAYS makes my work day-or day in general-go better is if i have my playlist playing. that is the best when i pick.

i wish i had my own radio station...of course i would take all your requests and ask for your playlist.

and about the song/red lipstick...technically he just says "she likes red lipstick" so you technically dont have to buy any or where it...just like it?:)

Anonymous said...

Are you a 100 Monkeys fan? You might like their stuff if you're not already a fan.

merebuff said...

M: you need your own radio station. If I only need to like red lipstick then that saves me a lot of stress. I have a hard time finding one I like on me...

E: don't know 100 monkeys. I'll have to look them up.