Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Part Four: Signs

The best part of my trip to London was spending time with Corina. She moved to London over a year ago to get her Master's Degree. When she finished, she had every intention of returning to the States to spend time with the people who represent a safe haven. However, she realized that she needed to stay in London. Now she is my biggest cheerleader to get me to stay in the UK permanently.

It should be no surprise to most people that know me well that I have a huge desire to live in England. It could be because I've spent too many hours watching BBC miniseries, but the truth is I've been daydreaming about this since I was little. Maybe it was Charles & Diana's wedding. Maybe it was a copy of the Friend magazine that was entirely devoted to that small country. All I know is that I want to be there. So my good friend spent my last and final day of vacation pointing out that I was meant to be in England.
#1 Who doesn't like tweed? Who doesn't like a totally British older couple dressed head to toe in tweed? How is this a sign? Not sure, except for the totally British scene.

#2 Free Museums. My original plan was to go check out the jewels at the Tower of London, which incidentally does cost money. Since I needed to be in South Kensington anyway I went to look at the jewels at the Victoria & Albert Museum. Unlike the many museums in New York that let you bypass the extraordinarily high ticket fees with a conscience-soothing "donation," the V&A is actually free. I could drop a few pence in the donation bucket if I so felt the urge, but it wasn't required for entry. (Also, this wasn't the special Target "free day" either.) We only had time for two of the exhibits, but that's what great about free museums, you can go again and again until you have had your fill.

#3The awesomest celebrity sighting EVER. Oh sure, I can use up all my digits counting the famous and notable folk I've seen in New York, but in England there is one class of celebrity that is a little hard to come by in the U.S.: royalty. After the V&A Corina and I serendipitously came upon a blink-and-you'll-miss-it Scandinavian restaurant. After we had seated ourselves and chosen our lunch items, I looked over to my right and saw Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York no farther than five feet away. (Yes, she got to keep the title.) I know!! Luckily with all my NYC celebrity sightings I was totally able to keep my cool. No, I didn't talk to her, that would be silly. But I saw her!!!

#4 There is that pretty yummy cupcake bakery I previously mentioned. You know, in case I ever need additional income. They also have pretty awesome packaging.

#5 While walking around the Temple area, from what I gather it is where a lot of legal stuff goes down, we saw some legal stuff going down. Or rather, we saw people in the full legal attire officially marching off to court in a very "Pomp & Circumstance" formality. American legal proceedings, except for the ones on TV, are usually not very interesting as this was. Especially where legal attire is concerned.
#6 My blood is here. Maybe part of the reason I want to be here is because of my ancestry. Check this out:

My friend Sarah actually found this place shortly after she moved to London. This Inn is not a form of hotel p.s.andbytheway. According to the short bit of research I've done, it is just building used for legal purposes...since about the 1400's. And it's pretty cool that it is still standing, and in use.

#7 Cadbury bars. Those Double Deckers are tasty.

All of the above and another quick walk long the Thames and I was sold. Sure I need to be an adult and everything, but I can so do that in England. And that heavy heart that I had when walking into the Dubai airport the following morning told me that at least rather be there than here.

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