Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Back to Dubai

I've spent a good amount of time not talking about Dubai, and now that I've finished my vacation I can start talking about where I am living currently. And since today in the 38th National Day, I thought I would celebrate by sharing some cultural aspects of this oh so patriotic holiday.

The 38th National Day fell one week after Eid, which in the Islamic world is a pretty important holiday. No, it's not Ramadan, but it does celebrate the pilgrimage to Mecca that is an important pillar in the Islamic faith. However, if you have been Dubai this past week, you would not have noticed any of the Eid celebrations, but you would see preparations for National Day. Excuse me, the 38th National Day.

One of the biggest traditions is car decorating. People will dress up their very expensive cars in stickers and streamers and then parade around town with all of their friends shooting off fireworks and spraying silly sting. Here's a video clip to show you what the cars look like:

Happy 38th National Day!

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