Tuesday, March 03, 2009

This is Rehani. He's in love with me, and for some reason I can't convince him otherwise. He is now back in Jordan, and I hope that distance will make the heart forget. (oh please, oh please) He's actually a great guy, and if he weren't a 20-year old muslim that didn't speak English maybe it would work out.

This is Rehani (again) with out barista Mansour, who likes to go by the name Vince. He claims it is an exact translation. I stated that I had no idea that "Mansour" meant "used car salesman" in Arabic. Yes, they are playing with knives. In the U.S. this would be grounds for dissmissal. Here...it's just good fun, even when someone does lose an eye.

Again with the knives. I think Rehani is just showing off. I didn't like this pose at first. (The guys tend to be mean to Rashid, but our dishwasher was eager for the shot. Boys. I just realized that I forgot to post another picture of Rashid. He is from Darfur, Sudan and has zero body fat. I was pretty sure he ran marathons when I first saw him. He's tough and wirey and could probably beat up just about anyone. Good thing he's about as gentle as a lamb. He speaks about three words of English, but with sign language, we manage to communicate rather well.

This is me the first day we opened. Oh, if I only knew what I had gotten myself into. For starters, the pants I am wearing are missing. I sent them out to be washed and they never returned. Now I wash my clothes by hand.

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