Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The laundry room also known as my kitchen. Since I have no appliances that make food (my little single burner died shortly after its purchase) the room has become my laundry room.

I do make peanut butter sandwiches in there. So I guess in an itty-bitty way it is still a kitchen.

The bamboo room has the best views of the sea. It also leaks; hence the collection of bowls and buckets at the end of the room. We have had thunderstorms everyday for over a week, and I have collected a lot of water.

This is my empty living room. As you can imagine, I don't spend too much time in here. It's basic function these days it to be a long, wide hallway and to collect dust. It's sad, really. There is a lot of unrealized potential in there.

This is my bedroom and my bed. I spend most of my time in here, sleeping mostly. But I now have a DVD player in my computer again so I get to watch movies if I get home early enough. The bed is comfortable.

This is the view from the bamboo room. The buildings below are from the American University of Beirut's campus. The belltower marks the hour--every hour. It woke me up on my first nights in the apartment.
I like my apartment, but let's be honest, I hate living in it. Mostly because I don't live in it; I just sleep and shower. My boss said I would have appliances and furniture in April, but there is no way that is happening. It is just another promise he has no intention of keeping. It's one of the reasons that I made that decision to be transfered to another bakery in Dubai. I'll miss this little place, but I look forward to the chance of having a fridge.

1 comment:

Malesa said...

Wow that stinks. You are right about your apartment having a lot of potential though. It's cute. It would be awesome with some real furniture. Good luck with the next bakery. If all else fails, please come back to NYC! We miss you!