Wednesday, March 18, 2009

All That I know is I'm Breathing

I should be searching the Web for flights to Dubai, but instead I thought I would catch up on everyone's blogs. Then I got inspired to write on my own little blog. I have no stories, but just a need to write something.

The song currently on my iPod is Ingrid Michaelson's "Breathing." It is a gorgeous song, and 500 bazillion times better than the Titanic theme song that is being played at this internet cafe a.k.a. my second home. I must admit that I have repeated "Breathing" quite a few times. It is entirely fitting for the things flitting around in my head.

I am supposed to purchase a plane ticket to Dubai for March 25th. I am excited to be leaving the bakery here, but sad to leave a city I've only seen glimpses of. I am thrilled to go to a new work environment, but concerned that I will hate it there too. I guess with all jobs and places one leaps to, it will always be a gamble. It may not work out. I may have to go home with my head down and with a few more creases in my foreward. All the uncertaintity mingled with current disappointments is disrupts my sleep and confuses my thoughts. So I have to remind myself to keep breathing.

Part of me feels like I have totally failed here, and thus I am gun-shy about showing up at a busy bakery run by a friend. I don't want to fail there either. I am usually a girl who tries to make lemonade (or a nice lemon tart) out of the lemons handed her. But here my lemons were wormy and rotten. I salvaged what I could and made a few friends, saw relics from ancient civilizations, and got two rambunctious boys to sing a couple of Primary songs. That little bit of tangy lemon was so good, but it didn't outweigh the unusable mess of that awful bakery and I have to throw it all away.

So after all the meltdowns, I have to go forward, keep breathing, and try again. I hope Dubai will be better. I know I will probably end up working a lot more than I am here. But I also know that the bakery is run by much better people. People who are concerned enough about my welfare to make sure I have an apartment when I arrive--an apartment with actual appliances.

I guess I should go look for plane tickets now. I need to get out of this place because while I am trying to just keep breathing, I hate breathing in my neighbor's Marlboro fumes.


Natalie said...

Meredith- So sorry it didn't work out:( Good luck in Dubai!

Lola said...

you are the bravest of the brave. there's no failure, only trying. good luck!

May! said...

I went to an Ingrid concert recently. This song, too, has been my mantra of late.

Good luck with your new adventures. I'm grateful for your blog. And you, too.

LeeAnn said...

Good for you for getting out of a bad situation even though it means uprooting again. Besides, bad experiences make the best blogs, and that's all that counts, right?

Malesa said...

I'm sorry Meredith. Too bad that Beirut was kind of a stinky experience. I'm sure you learned a lot though. I hope that you have better luck in Dubai. If not, you can always come back to NYC, open your own fabulous bakery and make millions of dollars.

Angela said...

I'm sorry Meredith. Well, at least you have other options. Good luck in Dubai! The pictures are great! I love all the cakes you decorated! You are amazing!!

hsjones said...

meredith -- i am following you closely and FEELFEELFEEL for you! i wanted life to be better here in kazakhstan but it's really taken me/us down a lot of slopes; always sliding. hard to make progress that way.

arab world hopping would be my preference.

enjoy the mall!