Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's Official!!

You may (or may not) be pleased to know that I have finally received my airline tickets to Beirut. I leave tomorrow (Wednesday the 26th) at 10:25pm. I will have a sadly brief layover in London, and will arrive in Lebanon at 6:40pm their time. It is all feeling a little more real now. I also found out today that my friend who got me this job should be in town when I arrive. That will ease my nerves, I am sure.

I am not sure when I will get to post my first Beirut blog, so please be patient. I will write as soon as I can!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!


LauraLee said...

Good luck to you! Have a great adventure.

Mary said...

So quickly everything happens! Have a good, though long, flight, and best of luck!!!!!!!!!

Cheryloxx said...


Please take care of yourself there! We look forward to hearing from you once you've settled. If we don't hear from you by Christmas, we'll assume the worse. Just so you know. :o)

Take care and have a good Thanksgiving in the air.

Cheryl and Sean

Em said...

I just now read this.
You are now in freakin' Beirut!!! You are amazing!
I hope you're having the time of your life!
Can't wait to hear about your adventures there!