Monday, November 24, 2008

Galletas and Despedidos.
In order to move to a far away locale, one must have a going away party. I did; I had a cookie-themed party, although from the looks of the above photo, I should lay of the treats. One of the first guests to arrived is my four-year old bff in the above picture. Sometimes I get to babysit her and her little sister, and I usually sit with her on Sundays. She was a huge help with the party preparations. She helped me by taking cookies of the (cooled) sheets, and by putting dough onto the cookie sheets to be baked. As you can see, she really got into it.

Her cookies turned out pretty good. Everyone dug the out of the ordinary shapes.

Below, is the proud mom af that future cookie baker.

A lot of my favorite people came to the shindig. My favorite colleague came. She is, in fact, the person who interviewed me and trained me. She is also from Washington state, thus solidifying her coolness.

At the party, I also had to say good-bye to Magnus the Lemon Tree. It was really sad, even though know he is going to a good home. I miss my little tree, even though his thorns gashed the heck out of my arm that day.

Although I am excited for the opportunity that awaits me, it is going to be hard to let go of god friends.

I also have to say good-bye the Young Women in my ward. They were very kind to throw me a party. We played a very fun version of "Pin the Tail on the Donkey;" instead of pinning any tails, they taped images of me on a map, while blindfolded. The closest to Lebanon won a prize.

I think this girl taped me on the Mediterranean. Close.

The girls made nice "recuerdos" for to remember the by. I need to remember to eat less goodies. Look what happens when you don't exercise for a month. Egads!

I think I am going to miss these girls.


Jacks said...

I was just thinking how beautiful you look. Gorgeous. Exercise? Who needs that!

I am so excited for you! Keep up the awesome blogging. I've never known anyone in Beirut before.

Malesa said...

I don't know what you are talking about. You look great. Good luck with the travel tomorrow!