Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lessons Learned

I think I may have mentioned once or twice that I am kind of obsessed with the TV show Friday Night Lights. Well the third season has begun, and you would think that I am writing about how awesome the plotlines are, but alas, I haven't seen one single episode. No, my love isn't waning...I just don't have directTV. In January I can finally watch the shows on NBC, but that's a really long time, and lets be honest, I am not that patient. I have a friend that will be getting directTV soon...but I want to watch it now! (Picture my five-year-old self pouting and having a minor tantrum because I am not getting my way...) One evening while doing some blog spying, I discovered that someone I know has been watching the new episodes online. Oh, I googled it but couldn't come up with anything that shouted "Watch FNL Season 3 Here" so I was a little frustrated.

I came upon this acquaintance who has been watching FNL, and asked how he was able to watch the show. He told me that he would tell me how...provided that I have no problems with stealing from the internet. I have no real problem with that. (I may or may not have purchased all the songs in my collection.) He emailed me instructions to ummm....downloading available content....and I swear I followed them to a "T"--even though I think we all know that I have limited computer skills.

I downloaded sites to watch shows; a site to search for available content, the first three 3rd season episodes, and apparently--according to the warning messages from Microsft--spyware, perhaps a Trojan horse, maybe some adult content--and other general bad news. So I also had to download an anti-spyware program.

Did I get to watch the coveted FNL episodes? No. They are actually not fully downloaded. After two hours I only had 60% of the first episode, and with all the warning notices from Bill Gates I gave up. Sad huh? I am not actually sure if my computer is 100% safe. I still get warning messages when I check my email. (And I was just about to be a little more involved with online banking.) I will give my little computer a checkup, and hopefully soon my friend will have directTV.

Moral of the story: Patience is a virtue. And don't steal, er download available stuff off the internet...without assistance from someone with computer skills.


Cheryloxx said...

I love that your suggestion is not "don't steal" but "don't steal unless you know how to do it correctly"...hee hee, you crack me up.

Christine said...

Meredith!!!!! Stacey told me about your blog and I just got a chance to take a look. Awesome! Sorry you couldn't get your show. :( I guess it does take awhile to download a full episode, but if you were getting all those warnings, it's probably best you did what you did.
I agree with the above comment though. Hilarious that it's okay to "steal" if your with someone who knows how to do it. (I agree) :D

Ang said...

Babe...I'm totally sending you eps 1-4. Will send on Monday. Miss you.

Ang said...

Babe...I'm totally sending you eps 1-4. Will send on Monday. Miss you.

LeeAnn said...

Are you sure you can't just watch all the episodes on the network website? That's how I watch Heroes since my TiVo is down and Prison Break is on at the same time. (Michael Scofield is a priority in my life.)

merebuff said...

NBC won't air the episodes on their Web site until January.