Monday, February 11, 2008

Racking up yet another Project Runway sighting.
Perhaps you recall that I saw Michael Kors in December. It was certainly exciting, but little did I know that my Project Runway sightings were not over. Last Friday was the Project Runway show at Fashion Week. I didn't get invited to the show (obviously), but even if I did, I would have had to work anyway. While I was frosting cakes, I thought it would be really cool if one the PR contestants came in for a cupcake or banana pudding or whatever. I sighed after my little musing and went back to work.
Just as I was about to depart the bakery I saw Elisa Jimenez, the very ethereal, fairy-like contestant who was auf'd at the end of the Hershey challenge. I couldn't believe it! What I also couldn't believe is that I had the courage to actually talk to her. She was so nice! And really buff. And she liked my bag. (The bag that I wrote a eulogy about. I fixed it after I had a revelation about it in the temple. I am not making that up.) I pointed out the stuff I liked from the show and asked her what she is up to these days. She designs in New York and informed me that she frequently does shows in the city. THEN she proceeded to ask for my card so she could invite me to future shows. I must admit I was a little speechless at the offer, then embarrassed because I don't have a card (yet!). I pointed out that I worked at Magnolia. Since neither of us had a pen or paper she asked for my number and then put it into her cell phone. She immediately called me so I could have her number as well. (I will not post it because that would be mean.)
Then she said that I looked like a turn-of-the-century doll. I was really touched. She was a lot kinder than she needed to be to some random fan of the show. So I wish her the best in her future endeavors, and hopefully I get to blog about one of her shows!


Kimpossible said...

That's so cool! I think that she would be really nice to meet. I'm glad that you saw her. I forgot to tell you that Ryan and I saw Jack. We stalked him for about 15 minutes while he was on the phone and then just decided to write him a note (which we did) to tell him that we thought he was totally fierce and that we were so sad when he had to leave. So, um...good celebrity run in.

Malesa said...

That is awesome! You will have to let me know if you get to go to one of the shows. I like nice people. Mean people are no good.

Mrs. James Quigley said...

That is so cool, I didn't even love her, but Now maybe I do. I love nice people. You have her cell phone number, you are cool.