Monday, September 22, 2008

Ummmm...ew. And You're Fired.
At the Bakery we do not do full wedding cakes, but we do get to do fun wedding cupcakes, like the picture above. Part of my job, besides icing the top cake, is to go to some of the receptions to set up the cupecakes and the cupcake trees.
We have been to some really nice reception places in the city, like The Boathouse for example. This past Saturday, we went to the Most Gorgeous Venue ever: The Cipriani Ballroom down on Wall Street. You know you are going to a fancy-pants reception when you see Rolls Royces parked outside. The inside did not disappoint with its marble columns and domed ceiling. After gazing around with our jaws on the floor, we mentioned that we wished that a) we were dressed better, b) that we earned enough money to afford a reception there and c) that we had brought a camera. Sorry.
We immediately got to work setting up the cupcakes. Halfway through our work a girl cme over, admired all the cupcakes, and then stuck her finger in the frosting of one of the cupcakes to taste the frosting. My coworkers and I stared at her with horrified looks on our faces. (This is a complete health code violation.) She simply shrugged her shoulders and explained, "It's okay, I'm the planner." Oh, really. Well if the bride saw her, she would be FIRED. No way would I hire someone who would do that. What was worse: we didn't have a cupcake to replace the one that she stuck her grubby finger in! So I replied to her, "Well, that is your cupcake, then." OK, that doesn't sound like a snappy comeback now, but at the moment all I could think was "There are no words to describe how horrifed I am and how stupid you are." I guess I should have just said that.
All I know is that I will not hire her, and I will probably ban her from coming into the Bakery and touching all the food.


Cheryloxx said...

Somehow I'm not surprised that you would get a snooty planner to go along with the fancy schmancy venue...isn't that always the way? Your job still sounds pretty fun.

Angela said...

That's a fun cupcake cake! What a great idea for a wedding!
I can't believe that lady! I wonder if she actually ate it. Ew!

Em said...

Love the cupcake cake.

The planner disgusts me. That is sick! I nearly gagged. I cannot believe she did that!
Some people are just dumb. There's no other way to describe them!

Malesa said...

Nasty. Fun cupcakes though!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder about people!!!

Anonymous said...

Sadly enough, having a wedding planner of my own, I can actually believe this happened! I am horrified as well! What is wrong with people???

Thanks for making me smile!
