Sunday, May 04, 2008

It's Birthday Time!!
So today is my birthday; I am 32 years old now. I am not too sure about claiming such a large number...especially since I could pass for a college student. (I LOVE the surprised look on people's faces when I reveal my age.) But so it is that I am a year older. So far the birthday celebrations have been pretty fun (fyi, I tend to spend several days fete-ing the day of my birth). Last night I went tango dancing at the fanciest YMCA I have ever seen...seriously this place had a dance room with some lovely light fixtures. (How that equates to "fancy" is probably a bit of a stretch, but humor me.) I danced with a lot of older gentleman (senior citizens, to be exact. But at my extreme age maybe I should get used to my partners), but some of them actually danced quite well. I had an interesting experience when I danced with a guy who, at a slight distance, was the spitting image of my dad. He was a great deal shorter, however. I even learned a bit of Milonga, an Argentine dance like tango but with a faster rhythm.
Tonight I made some dinner for my roommates and friend, Sarah, and afterwards we watched Roman Holiday. Since it is Audrey Hepburn's birthday as well, I thought it best to watch one of her films--it also happens to be a favorite of mine. I love this movie, even though at the end I heave a sad sigh that I cannot run off to Rome for a frolicking good time with Gregory Peck. Maybe "frolick" isn't the best word choice. You know what I mean.
The fun will continue on Saturday with a fun Breakfast at Tiffany's-esque mocktail party. It should be a good time, and I will post pictures and details. I expect you see a little Audrey Hepburn theme running through the birthday celebrations. That's just how I roll. (I even dressed at beatnik Audrey from Funny Face for a friend's sock-hop themed birthday party Friday night). This beautiful actress has been quite the fashion-icon for me, so it should be no surprise to the masses that I choose her or her work as my inspiration for stuff. One of these days I may surprise you all and do a Dolly Parton-themed shindig.
Anyway, that's my birthday in a nutshell. Soon I will post something a bit more poignant discussing how I really feel about being 32.


Kendra Leigh said...

I feel so lame- since I sat next to you today and all! Happy happy birthday!

Cheryloxx said...


Mrs. James Quigley said...

Happy Belated Birthday! We love you and are sorry that we are such slackers! Love- Alicia and Natalie

W.E. said...

At 32 you get to throw a double sweet 16 and everyone has to buy you 2 presents.

monica said...

so fun! you always do interesting fun things! i want to see the pictures from your party!

Holly said...

Wow! Happy birthday! I can't believe it's been a year since your last one! Crazy how times flies, but how you keep looking so beautifully youthful!

LauraLee said...

Happy Birthday Meredith! I have not talk to you forever!

Mary said...

How did May 4th come around again so fast? Happy Birthday!

Angela said...

We finally made it to NJ! We live on base which is its own city- it's huge!! The base is kind of by Trenton. I don't think I'm too far from NYC. I'd love to see you so email me your phone number! Happy belated B-Day! I hope I look as great as you do when I'm 32.