Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Taxman Cometh

I owe taxes this year. Considering I spent seven months in 2007 freelancing, I expected to pay alot and planned accordingly. Good thing, too, because I owe a rather large amount. I am not going to give you the exact figure, but let me tell you that I nearly considered having my eggs harvested and sold to the highest bidder to pay the bill to the IRS, the State of New York and the City of New York. (Oh yes, we pay for the privilege to live here.) Fortunately I saved enough dinero, and will therefore save my eggs for my own use...someday...hopefully.

1 comment:

Kimpossible said...

You know, I've thought of the option several times...I mean, hey, if I'm not using them, I know I could use the money.