Friday, June 03, 2011

Besides Homework...

Work and school aren't the only things that keep me busy. Sometimes I spend a lot of time on the phone. Talking. And Skyping. I'm not just reconnecting with old friends. Sometimes, like this blog, they get ignored. (A little too often for both, really.)

This story is this: after that truly depressing date story I told you earlier, I decided to widen my dating search using *audible gasp* the internet. This is a story in and of itself, but at 11:42 pm, now is not the time. Long story short, I actually found someone interesting. The feeling was mutual, and we met at my cousin's wedding reception held in Seattle in April. (Another story...)

I'm telling you this now because he -whose name is Max - is in Spokane to visit little old me. I couldn't be happier.

maybe this picture is better:

I caught him off guard which is hard to do with a big camera.

Anyway, that's the condensed-because-I-need-my-beauty-sleep version.

More to come. I promise.


Mary said...

Love the name, love the glasses, can't wait to hear more!

LauraLee said...

I am excited for you and for further updates!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear more! Funny how the Internet works that way sometimes...I met my BF that way too!

Kate said...

Really Clifford? Those are the best pictures you could come up with? :)
So happy to hear about Max... I had a feeling that was the big news...