Saturday, July 04, 2009

Wanted: One Kind Benefactor

Chef Aaron downloaded some new music that I want (Diane Birch), and he is more than willing to burn me a copy of her album, except there is one small little problem: my computer's disc drive refuses to open. I think this happened when my computer slid and fell off of the security table of the airport in Beirut. Sadly, the busted disc drive is just one of the many problems my computer is having: it gets tired easily and will just shut down mid-use; it doesn't want to play any form of media found via the world-wide web; and I can't access any document I have saved in Microsoft Word or Adobe (all of my recipes). So, I think it is time to get a new one.

However, I can't really afford a new computer, especially since I would really, really, really like to get a MacBook Pro. I am trying to save as much money as possible, but considering I still have to eat and buy toilet paper, as well as save for any future life endeavors, this whole saving extra money thing isn't going as quickly as I would prefer. I may have enough saved in about 5 years. By my calculations, that's about 4 years and 3 months too late.

So in times like these I think back to a nice book I read I've read a few times: Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster. For those of you unfamiliar with the book, it's pretty much a series of fictional letters sent by an orphan to the kind benefactor who paid for her to go to school. Wouldn't it be nice for some mysterious person to provide for these material wants that I kinda would like to have. Or to pay my student loan. Are there any kind benefactors out there who could spare a few dollars for my technology fund?

If you've had a chance to read Daddy-Long-Legs you will recall that the book's heroine ended up marrying her benefactor. I am not looking for that. Just money for the computer (and possibly a new cell phone, which also doesn't work too well) would be plenty. However, if he just so happens to be in his 30's, tall, dark hair, fair-skinned, devlishly blue eyes, and a British accent...well, that would be another story.


Mary said...

Did you see the movie? It's Leslie Caron and Fred Astaire. Two people I love, but they have quite an age difference.

merebuff said...

I haven't seen the movie, but I should someday.

merebuff said...

I haven't seen the movie, but I should someday.