Monday, May 11, 2009

This May or May Not Come as a Surprise

A while back I was "tagged" on Facebook for one of those "25 Things About Me" which are always fun, but sometimes requires a bit of thought. My cousin usually does something similar on her birthday, so I thought I'd take a page out of her book and do the same. Thus not limiting this exercise to 25, but I'll favor you with 8 extra items for a grand total of 33. This may be a bit of a challenge as I haven't even started to brainstorm which things I want to share. Some things may be well-known traits, but I hope to surprise a few of you as well.

1. I like clothes. I like to look at them in stores and magazines and imagine all the wonderful outfit combinations I can make, and what I would look like if I had those pieces. However when I try them on I think I look awful, so I have a pretty basic wardrobe.

2.I used to draw clothes on my paper margines in elementary school. I don't sew very well. I think that is because I shunned the hobby after being teased so much in junior high for wearing home-sewn clothes. Now I wish I was a better seamstress.

3. I don't like crowded spaces. When the bakery gets filled with customers I tend to feel really stressed out. How I managed New York, I will never know. Of course, I did avoid most of the tourist-faves.

4. Once I made a list of things that I liked/made me happy. Most of the things on the list were food items. I.e. Meyer lemons, avocados, pie, fish tacos... I think I managed to think of other things like flannel sheets and France, but it does make me a tad concerned over my relationship with food.

5. I tend to feel homesick for locations that are not always my home. This happens at telling moments too. I long for Texas while watching Friday Night Lights, Spokane during Thanksgiving, France during the Tour de France, and right now I would do anything to be in Italy while I keep up with the Giro d'Italia. I also tend to be England-sick for the rest of the time.

6.This is harder than I thought.

7. This is probably hard because I generally have a hard time expressing my feelings about people. I think my sister is not the only one with Asperger's in the family...

8. I have really inspiring friends and family. I am always in awe of their talents, whether it be writing, sewing, crafting, mothering, gardening, teaching. So many people that I want to be like when I grow up. I would mention names but that goes beyond my emotion comfort level. Let's just hope you know who you are.

9. I was going to dedicate a blog entry about this one--and maybe I still will. I've been thinking that this whole "what I want to be when I grow up" thing has nothing to do with a job, and more about a way of life. I'm wondering if I am headed in the right direction. Yep, a blog entry would be better for this thought.

10. I speak Spanish and French. However, I cannot seem to manage Arabic or Tagolog (the language of the rest of the staff here.)

11.Have I mentioned that I love professional cycling? It's an odd thing for a girl without a bike of her own to like, but I do. I think the whole thing is fascinating.

12. I like being quirky. Maybe that explains the cycling-love.

13. I am, shall we say...opinionated. Some people maybe label my opinions as snobiness. I have no problems being a little particular about what I read, watch, listen to and eat. This is my body and spirit, after all.

14. I am opinionated about music. This is no shocker. My music collection may not appeal to the mass population, but it is quality. No cliched love-lorn lyrics. No over-paid or over-exposed divas. (Maybe the Gallagher brothers could be considered over-paid divas.) Anywhoo. I love music that has new and inspiring lyrics, and I can't turn down a song with a driving bass line. I also like some instrumental rock. I'm really into Explosions in the Sky.

15. I don't drink as much hot chocolate as I used to. This is not just because I moved to the desert. A year prior to my departure I stopped drinking it. In the winter I would have about a cup a day. Now it's like one every four months.

16. Oh vey. Are you bored yet? Maybe I am not so interesting after all.

17. I can pick things up with my toes. They are rather dexterous. I may try writing with them. It's probably a good skill to have if I ever lose use of my arms.

18. I wish I was a runner. I could be a runner...if my knees didn't protest so much. I think I am going to sneak running into my exercise regime little by little until they don't realize that I am actually running.

19. I think my legs are my best body-feature. They are nice and long.

20. I'm also pretty pleased with the fullness of my upper lip. I think it makes them kissable.

21. I hate being interrupted, especially at work. When I am working on a project, I like to stay 100% focused. This, however, does not apply to packing or cleaning my room.

22. Any discussion of dating and relationships takes me to the dark place. I hate discussions that don't change the current situation of a dating.

23. I lived for many years in fear of a man with a hook for a hand living under my bed.

24. I think I have an addictive personality. I get obsessed with things like Friday Night Lights and Keane. I do consider myself a recovering Chapstick addict.

25. I live with a Pakistani family. They are wonderfully kind and generous.

26. I am not a good swimmer. I hate putting my face in the water. I hate when water trickles down my face when showering.

27. Almost there. I wish I was a better writer. I regret all the dance classes I took at BYU when I could have (should have) been taking writing classes.

28. I want to retire in Villefranche-sur-mer. It's this totally charming village next to Nice.

29. I would marry an Englishman for his accent alone.

30. Probably not. I am actually a little picky. He would have to be attractive and have an English accent. (I would also accept Irish, Scottish, Australian, New Zealand, French, Italian and possibly South African accents.)

31. Since working at a couple of cupcake bakeries, I can now say that I have a favorite dessert. I like fruit desserts. OK, that doesn't exactly narrow it down to one specific dessert. But I know that if I had to choose between chocolate mousse and a lemon tart, I would choose the tart. I like the mixture of tart and sweet.

32. I think I would like to start my baked goods business at a farmer's market.

33. The last one. It has to be good. Really good. I can be a little stand-offish when getting to know people. I am a little guarded. In fact, previous roommates have mentioned being a little intimidated by me. I am partly proud of that achievement, and mildly concerned. I don't mind looking intimidating, but only if that wasn't because I struggle to find ways to start a conversation with new people. I keep a rather small circle of friends, even though I am constantly surrounded by people that I would like to be friends with, but I can't quite seem to make the connection.

Phew. That was it. Congratulations if you made it through all of them. (I won't be offended if you get bored.) That was the most challenging exercise of my 33 years. So, were you surprised? is there anything that I need to expand upon?


Mary said...

Ah ha, I knew you liked clothes!

Don't regret the dance classes. You learned from the best at BYU You can always brush up on writing through seminars or something, right? I regret not taking more dance, and keeping up with it.

farmerette said...

I want to know more about the man with the hook under the bed. Where did that originate from? Too much Peter Pan perhaps? I spent a large amount of time being freaked out about a man with a hook after my Dad told us this scary story.

In short, a couple parks at a scenic overlook. They hear on the radio about a killer escaped from an insane asylum who has a hook for a hand. They think twice about sticking around and decide to head home. When they get home and the guy walks around to open the girls door there is a hook dangling from the handle.

This probably isn't helping your phobia. :)

B.Bird said...

I did not know you had such an interest in Prof. cycling. You'd fit right in with Byron on that one and being opinionated too. That is a very strong characteristic of the men in my immediate family and Byron is one of the worst. I have been know to just agree with him to end the "discussion".

merebuff said...

Mary: I could never 100% regret the hobbies we both share.

I do believe your dad may have been the originator of my phobia. I heard that same story from Warren, who probably heard it from your dad. I just expected him to be hiding out under my bed.

B.Bird: who knew Byron and I would be so similar. Maybe it was all the time spent together as children. I wonder how many brainwaves I share with the rest of the family.

monica said...

that was a good read, i did not get bored. and i think you are a great writer! runny water on your face really? never thought that that would be an annoyance to someone. shoot i had more to say, but can't remember. you should make your comment thing the small box so i can see your post while leaving a comment. does that make sense? just an idea.

merebuff said...

Hey Monica,

As you have probably guessed, I took your great advice. Thanks for the idea!

monica said...

oh good! thanks!

Natalie said...

Meredith.....happy late birthday...sorry i forgot. i loved reading about you...but I have to admit I knew almost all of it, and could guess the rest. Except the water in the shower thing...Leah could join you with that one. Thanks for opening up a bit, it is fun to hear people talk about themselves.

Anonymous said...

I forgot about the story of the man and the hook!! Oh I loved growing up with the Erath's!!! I am glad that I slept on the top bunk when we were in bunk beds, then he would have gotten you first!!