Monday, December 29, 2008

I suppose everyone deals with technical difficulties for a month now and again.

Here is a quick update to let you all know that I am not dead. That whole Israel/Hamas thing is far from me, and let's hope it stays that way. If Hezbolla gets involved then I will have a different tale to tell. But since I am safe, let's talk about my life in Beirut.

1. I still don't have an apartment. But I no longer live in a hotel. A girl from the branch is letting my stay at her apartment while she is touring Turkey. Pray that I get an apartment soon. Having an apartment means that I can unpack, get connected to the internet, upload pictures, get/feel settled.

2. I had a white Christmas! I was fortunate to have a day off on Christmas, and the missionary couple in my branch invited me to drive up to the ski resorts with them. The drive was gorgeous, and the slopes were covered in snow. We ate lunch at the Intercontinental Hotel, and rubbed shoulders with shieks and other wealthy arabs. My lunch (a buffet) cost $70. I went back many times to get $7o worth.

3. I got called to be the Primary President of my branch. I will be over 3 children, all of whom speak French. This goes to show that you should always be careful what you pray for. This will be an interesting calling, since Primary is still new to the kids (aged 7-9). According to the former Primary President, they don't like to sing. I have no clue what I am going to do with them. Any suggestions would be helpful.

4. It is kind of chilly. I wished I packed more of my long-sleeved shirts.

5. We just got a third baker! This was the best Christmas present. Now I can decorate and organize more, and do things I was hired to do.

6. I have taken more pictures! I still don't know when I will be posting them.

The internet cafe guys probably want to go home. I think I am the last one here. Take care!


Natalie said...

I finally got to check your blog..yeah! things sound great. I am so happy and excited for you, by the way, I am behind you are so perfect for this adventure, it will be so amazing, wow, i just cant get over it all, so exciting! I love you, take care. (is there a way to send you regular mail, or should I just send email?)

Lindsay Jane said...

Mere - I can't believe you're in Beirut. What an amazing adventure! Keep the posts coming, even if they're picture-free!

Malesa said...

That sounds like fun. I always felt like drawing a picture of what we were suppose to be learning about was always a good default in primary. Good luck!