Sunday, September 03, 2006

I'm going to make it after all

I know I haven't written in a while, and I do need to update you on the restaurants I've been to and what not--I promise to do that--I just wanted to quickly write and say that it is official: I work in public relations!!!

I know I haven't written about what I've done this summer during the nine to six (Okay sometimes 9-7), but that is because I'm sure that it is not OK to blog about my job. Many people have been fired for divulging too much info via blogs, and I didn't want it to happen to me.

On June 1st I started my internship at Zeno Group, a boutique firm owned by the Daniel J. Edelman Corp. (That's a big deal in the PR world.) Even though the New York branch is primarily a healthcare-focused firm, I convinced the recruiter to let me intern in their consumer division. It was a wise choice because I was busy all summer long. I worked late, juggled multiple projects, gave assignments to the other interns, and basically proved my P.R. abilities. And my superiors even liked my writing!! Which is good; that's why I went into to p.r.--to write more. So last week Zeno offered me a job. I gladly took it. I work with great people, and for the most part I like our clients. I'm not sure how my responsibilities will change now that I am no longer an intern. It is possible that they will not change since, according to my V.P., I worked as an account exective all summer. Two of the times he said this, he had had a couple of martinis, so I will continue to work hard.

If I had a hat I would toss it into the air, spin around, and catch it - a la Mary Tyler Moore. Actually my catching skills aren't stellar. I would probably end up picking the hat up off the ground.


kiki said...


Mrs. James Quigley said...

Yipee! Congrats Meredith! Maybe I need to plan another trip out there to see you, my cousin the big PR girl. Until then see you in Boston.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!! I am so excited for you!! Hopefully this spring I can plan a visit over to see you. I am very proud of you!!! Love you lots!!