Sunday, August 13, 2006

In the subways you will find people selling all sorts of things. In the L stations there are people who sell bootlegged copies of current films. For kicks, my roommate bought a copy of the Lake House. Angie liked the film on the big screen, so why not watch a film that was filmed at the movie theater! Actually she probably didn't think that as she plopped down five bucks, she just hoped that the copy wasn't too horrible. We watched it this afternoon.

Well to start out, the movie wasn't exactly clear. It was as grainy as watching an old movie on non-HDTV...or any newer TV set. It was pretty much UHF. Actually, it reminded me of Mystery Science Theater 3000. For those of you who don't know what that is, let me explain. It was a show on the Comedy Channel about a guy who was sent to a space ship to watch bad movies as punishment. To endure the drudgery he made robot sidekicks who would make funny commentary throughout the show. Essentially, the viewer would watch people watch movies. So today, The Lake House was MST 3000 without commentary from robots. It was still cheesy enough for me to make my observations.

The videographer had a steady hand, for the most part. There was one part where he must have fallen of his seat because all of a sudden the images on screen went sideways and then black. Then there was the time when the blanket that covered the camera covered the right half of the screen. After a while the left side was covered.

Since it was in the theater, there were a lot of random coughs and at we could see people getting up and going to get more popcorn.

Even though the movie was not that great, I must say that watching it bootlegged made it more entertaining.

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