Friday, January 23, 2009

Let's hope this works!! It doesn't.

I had a plan. A perfect plan. Now that I have my nifty new apartment, I was finally going to post pictures. I still don't have access to the internet in my place, so I walked to a cafe that has free wireless internet with the full intention of posting at least a couple of pictures for all of you. OK, so blogger can be a little slow at posting images with super fast internet, try posting pictures with Lebanese slow speed (think dial up speed). After five minutes waiting for my picture to post I gave up when the thing showed o sign of budging. I may try again, but I only have two hours of free access and then I get shut down. Je suis tellement desolee.

So yes, as I mentioned I have finally moved into the apartment. I did end up with the one with the blue shutters, and it really is lovely. It is a one bedroom apartment with a small little kitchen, a living room, bathroom (that is tons bigger than the NYC bathroom), and a sunroom that I believe was once the patio. Don't even worry, I still have two other patios. The sunroom is the room with the view of the Mediterranean Sea and the American University of Beirut campus and its belltower.

The place has a very warm feel to it, thanks to the pale yellow walls. While I don't normally love yellow, it is 500 times better than stark white. I currently only have bedroom furniture: a full sized bed (that is not as big as US full sized beds) and a nice large closet, both in dark dark wood. My bedspread is nice, although it isn't what I would have normally chose. It is yellow with big pink roses. It's a little too Laura Ahsley for my taste, but seriously it was the best option. Everthing else was horrifying. I probably won't get my living room furniture for a month, and will hopefully get my kitchen appliances at the end of next week. I don't love the idea of not having a fridge or an oven. I am sick sick sick of eating out. I am now storing soy milk at the bakery so I can at least have a nice bowl of cereal to start out the day.

I joined a gym today. It is so necessary. I think I will even be getting a personal trainer, since they only cost $25 a session. Not bad, eh? It is kind of a necessity for me since I work in a bakery that makes lemon bars.

Primary is going well. I have only had all three kids once so far. I like it better when they are all there. I feel sorry for them when I have just one. I am not that entertaining in French. Though I think the kids do get a kick out my "Book of Mormon Stories" hand motions. Last week I spoke in church, so I ended up showing a video for the primary lesson. A talk, Sharing Time, and a Primary lesson are a little too much for one person. (PS and by the way: I was the only speaker.)

That's the update. I may try to post a picture again, so cross your fingers...


farmerette said...

I'm totally excited to see pictures but am happy to just get an update for now and hear that you are doing well. And Wow! Talk about busy Sundays. If you ever need a reason for the "Why do I feel like I should be in Beirut?" question you can answer that it's quite obvious your branch needs you. It sounds so different from what we are used to in a U.S. ward. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the pictures.

Why Not said...

I LOVE reading your updates. I am so jealous of your adventures! I am glad you are happy and safe so far.


LeeAnn said...

Congrats on the apartment! I'm sure you'll make it supercute, even working with limited options. If anyone can do it, you can!

Kimpossible said...

OH...I love imagining your adventure even if you do have a Laura Ashley bed spread. I love it!

Dave said...

I completely understand - the internet in UAE was the same dial-up speed... We are however looking forward to pictures when you get a chance.