Best. Celebrity. Sighting. EVER!!!!!
Who is this person you ask? It is none other than Michael Kors: fashion designer extraordinaire, master of the quick-witted fashion commentary, and judge of my favorite reality show Project Runway.
I saw him last night as I was walking along 42nd Street across from Bryant Park. I saw a group of people ahead of me and I thought, "hmmm...the fellow carrying that tote bag sounds a lot like Michael Kors." So I quickened pace to pass and glance, and lo and behold it was indeed Mr. Kors. It really put a smile on my face.
No, I didn't go up to talk to him. He was surrounded by an entourage and it was one of my more dowdy days. However, it would have been nice to ask him why Ricky the Weeper is still on the show. Maybe Ricky will get the "Auf..." tonight.
I believe his official title is American Top Designer Michael Kors. All I know is he designs a mean tie.
I am SO GLAD it was Stephen, the squinter, who finally got auf'd. I hate that guy with his annoying squinting. It seriously bugged me!
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