Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A Super Long Vacation

If you read the Texas post, you will recall that I have no job. Well, I have no nine-to-six job. The day after I was let go, two former coworkers lined me up with freelance jobs. One job allows me to hang out with some very fabulous British folks and help out with their Nokia events. (Please hire me!) With the other job I get to pitch story ideas for LASIK in the Seattle area. I totally use my connections to get good conversations with the editors. Sadly, because of the time difference, I get to spend the afternoons at home making the calls instead exploring the city. My roommate Angie encourages me to get as far away from the house as possible when running errands. She has encouraged me to go to Fairway (72nd and Broadway) for groceries instead of the C-Town around the corner.

I make sure to exercise in the mornings, but in the afternoons to pass the time, I catch up on TV. I have watched the entire first and second seasons of both Veronica Mars and Grey's Anatomy. Clearly I need a full time job. Seriously.

And by the way, my name's Meredith. I have dark and twisty days. Why aren't Chris O'Donnell and Patrick Dempsey begging to date me?


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